Artificial intelligence, KYC and AML for banks and independent managers
The workshop presents a preview to the public of the FINVA project, funded by Innosuisse and carried out in collaboration between SUPSI, Cube Finance and QBT to offer the financial sector an innovative system for managing AML risks.
Thursday February 16th from 11:00 to 12:30.
Mandatory (see link below)
Lugano University Center – Campus Est
Room B1.17, Sector B, floor 1
Via la Santa 1, Lugano-Viganello
Coordination of the workshop by Michela Papandrea, SUPSI
Event schedule:
- Welcome from the organizers and partners of the FINVA project
- The due diligence of the IF in the area of anti-money laundering | Daniela Baldoni, Regulatory expert
- AI in the FINVA project | Michela Papandrea, SUPSI
- The scientific characteristics of FINVA | Federico Cecconi, QBT
- FINVA at work: the advantages for the sector | Stefano Zanchetta, Cube Finance
- Final questions and answers
What is FINVA
FinVA is a supervised and intelligent Financial Virtual Assistant, conceived with the aim of satisfying the control needs in specific areas (KYC, AML, Risk) faced by banks and independent asset managers.
It provides the ordinary functionality of software in this area but with an innovative approach, by coordinating the control process with an integrated virtual assistant that actively supports business functions to make processes more efficient and faster.