Cube Port is the ideal solution for portfolio managers looking for an efficient and up-to-date application of the new anti-money laundering regulations, complying with Finma, MiFID and UCITS regulations.

Cube Port is able to meet the needs of all Asset Managers who manage the assets of private clients, or directly funds on a collective basis.

Cube Port allows EAMs to implement Finma indications on risk management based on the complexity of the organization and is highly modular, allowing EAMs to equip themselves with the necessary modules to cover the needs of their business.


Cube Port was developed with web technologies and is available on the Cloud in SaaS (software as a service) mode, avoiding IT infrastructure management costs to the intermediary. Cube Port is highly secure thanks to our technological partner, Microsoft Azure, which guarantees maximum data protection, especially with regards to sensitive customer data, which always remain under the control of the Asset Manager.


The data of the custodian banks are automatically imported and their integrity, and the adequacy of the mapping of master data and transaction types are verified. An integrated control panel allows monitoring of all incoming data flows.

The program features a complete banking-style report, with the possibility of inserting the company logo, containing all the information necessary to show the client clear evidence of the investment activity.

The system allows the management of management and performance fees, with full explanation of the data used. At the securities master data level, it is possible to select the investment instruments to be excluded from the calculation of the management fees.


Investment policy rules can be freely set and managed. The verification of the compliance of the investment lines takes place both at a pre- and post-trade level.

It is also possible to check portfolio compliance at discrete intervals during the day.

The application is designed, along the lines of Cube Platform, to comply with the Finma directives and also MiFID II. The properties can be defined at the level of the single BO and of the single investment instrument in order to comply with the directives in force in terms of compliance.

Outsourced auditors and compliance can access specific pages of the system in order to carry out the usual checks even electronically / remotely.


The system is equipped with an order management book with various levels of pre-trade checks, from short-selling to compliance checks (LSerFi, MIFID, UCITS, etc) before order is sent.
The order management process also feeds the daily order-book report. The “audit trail” functions are included and the separation of the control functions from those of order management (four-eye principle) can be implemented.

Hundreds of checks are performed before sending the order to the bank, including the verification of compliance with the rules of compliance / investment policy.
As elsewhere in the application, there are references via links to quickly navigate to the instrument master data, or customer portfolio, etc. Order can be copied or modified to guarantee the utmost in flexibility and ease of use.

Optionally, the FIX module is available, listed separately, for sending electronic orders to custodian banks or brokers.


The system can be configured with different roles to limit access to pages containing sensitive data. Users log in with two-factor authentication (TFA) for added security.

The data is received directly into a segregated Microsoft Azure resource group dedicated to the Asset Manager. MS Azure is the state-of-the-art technology solution that offers full segregation and the ultimate in security. Cube Finance is an ISO 27001, 27017 and 27018 certified company and, consequently, data retention, backup and recovery procedures are in place in line with the best internationally recognized principles.

Sensitive data relating to private customers is stored on Azure in a separate document database to further increase the level of security. After the end of the service supply relationship, the data is downloaded from Azure and delivered to the customer.


The anti-money laundering controls take place automatically starting directly from the transaction flows that the banks send daily in the electronic flow.

The customer master data management section allows to profile individuals or corporate accounts, according to the model used in the banking sector (score deduced from the banking industry risk parameters, such as: country risk, sector (code NOGA), etc.)

In the specific KYC census section of natural and legal persons, a section is provided for managing relationship activities, with the possibility of assigning and managing tasks and deadlines.



Cloud installation
Microsoft Azure, segregated data
On-premise installation

Multi-company Multiple entities from different jurisdictions managed by a single application
Client management and institutional advisory
Parallel management of clients and AMC advisory, funds
FIX motor






Standard = 1 bank-style deposit and 1 checking account statement



Incl. audit reports and integrated documentation
Ad-hoc development
Custom interfaces to external data
Bank interfaces
Pay per bank
Unlimited users Pay per user

Single portfolio dashboard
Multi portfolio dashboard
Portfolio view
Account Statement
Global holdings
Scenario Analysis
Portfolio VaR calculation
Value Aggregation

Pre-trade compliance
UCITS / AIFMD compliance



Compliance Alarm
Global Compliance check
Suitability Check

MW/TW performance calculation
Performance Contribution Optional
Force performance calculation
Manual activation of the calculation process

Order Management System
Collective Orders

Model Portfolio management Optional
Single Portfolio rebalancing
Bulk portfolio rebalancing Optional

Portfolio reconciliation monitor
Position reconciliation
Transaction reconciliation



Transactions Monitor
Registry of instruments
Registry of Portfolios
Registry of Bank Accounts
Commission and fee analysis
Management of products and rebates
Calculation of rebates on the activity linked to investment products
Excel uploads

System settings
Limited Personalization of pages and data tables, etc.
System diagnostics service
Roles and permissions
Manage Users and roles