Cube Risk
The Risk Management System for listed derivatives.
Cube Risk
What is Cube Risk
Cube Risk is a second-level risk management system for monitoring and managing issues related to transactions in listed derivative instruments of private or institutional customers. The software keeps the positions updated in real time, calculates the real time margins and calculates the risk of loss of the customers through a preventive scenario analysis.
Who is it for?
It is aimed at brokers and investment banks who need to monitor the activity in listed derivative instruments of their private or institutional clients.
The project
The project was born in 2008 when an Italian online broker asked Stefano Zanchetta for a tool to monitor the riskiness of his private customers who operated mainly in the listed derivatives marlets Idem and Eurex.
Since then, the system has been integrated with the use of Cube PreTrade and has become the pivot of the continuous and preventive analysis of the risk management procedures of the main players in the sector.
Cube Finance is a globally expert company in these issues.
Strengths of the service
- Great coverage of global markets with the same native CCP models
- Realtime calculation of all the values
- Proprietary risk indicators to minimize bank-side risk of loss
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of individual positions at risk
- Twenty years experience of Cube Finance
- Continuous intraday monitoring of customers’ risk positions
- Greater awareness of the real risks associated with open positions
- Advance knowledge of the probable “margins calls” of the following day
- Preventive monitoring of situations at risk of negative liquidity of the customer or loss beyond the paid-in capital
- Faculty of resolving problematic situations more promptly